Abstract Language is an ongoing series that merges Ed Maximus' software engineering background with his practice as an artist. For his first creative coding project, he developed an algorithm with P5.js that tranforms any set of text into unique shapes, resulting into a generative artwork. To further expand on the abraction of this project, he uses the generative piece as base to create a secondary artwork with the assistance of an AI model that he trained on his painting and digital arts. The juxtaposition of these two pieces serves to illustrate the connection between the logical and artist sides of his imigation.
This project is designed to be evolutionary. As Ed Maximus broaden his exploration into creative programing, the algorithm will evolve to create more complex artworks. Further down the roadmap, his overall process for this project will expand to include traditional artworks.
As of this writing, v.6 is the current version. The next version released will be using a different translation map to make it less reliant on colors amongst other improvements.
NOTE ON PROCESS (coming soon)